1000 People In A Circle
The Story
Here is a brainteaser that bothers me a while. Didn’t solve it at first time but using Excel. Now I see this brainteaser again. I will trying to solve it just using simple mathematics.
“1000 people are standing in a circle, all numbered from 1 to 1000. Person 1 has a gun which he kills person 2 and give person 3 the gun. It goes on and on. Person 3 kills person 4 and passes the gun to person 5. This continues until there is only one person alive. Who is the last standing man?”
Simple Math
First, observe a simple case, if only one person when n=1 then the survivor will be himself.
Second, if there are two person when n=2, the survivor will be person 1 as well.
For n=4 case, the survivor is still person 1. And so on. If the total number of person is 2^n
then survivor will be person 1.
Then if we need to transfer our n=1000 case to either n=512 2^9
or n=1024 2^10
case, the problem will be dramatically simplified, which provide us two ways of examining this problem.
Then our problem become “who has the gun with remaining total number of people is 512, who is the survivor.” And we will know that 1000-512=488
. So after 488 people killed, the next person who has the gun is the survivor. And apparently this person is 488*2+1=977
We can also transfer our n=1000 case to n=1024 2^10
case, which we know for sure the survivor is person 1. Now, we can consider a case of 1024 people but first 24 people are killed, then the total number of people is 1000. And this is the number what we want. Then our circle become 1 3 5 .... 47 49 50 51 ... 1024
which 2 4 6 ... 46 48
24 people have been killed. If we start from this situation, the total number of people is 1000. And our circle become 49 50 51 ... 1024 1 3 5 7 ... 45 47
. But we know for sure that person 1 is going to be the survivor. Then our problem has became “what is the position of person 1 in this new circle”. And person 1’s position in our new circle is 1000-24+1=977
Complex Python
This is a solution using Python to create a link list to solve this problem. This will print out the order of each kill and the last man standing.
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
self.next = None
def create_linkList(n):
head = Node(1)
ptr = head
for i in range(2, n+1):
newNode = Node(i)
ptr.next= newNode
ptr = newNode
ptr.next = head
return head
n = 1000 # total number of people
m = 2 # kill the second person
if m == 1: # if m==1 then the last person is nth person
head = create_linkList(n)
ptr = None
cur = head
while cur.next != cur: # if points to itself then terminate
for i in range(m-1):
ptr = cur
cur = cur.next
ptr.next = cur.next
cur.next = None
cur = ptr.next
Josephus problem
After spent a while of exploring the internet, I found this is a problem call “Josephus problem” or “Josephus permutation”. There is more detail solution of this problem can be found from Wikipedia.