This is a colection of advices on a wide range of topics. I will keep updating what I think is valuable to me or maybe to you as well.
I used to try to grasp every details on a book I read. I want to absord everything that book has to offer. However, I can't remember everything. Reading a book, you should only grasp the core idea to create understanding that is only yours. Save up to 6 months of income.
Always read. Many great books sold for only 10 bucks. If you can just got one great idea from that book. It's a bargain. For that single idea, you may benefit for your lifetime.
Like Mark Cuban said, "Live like a student". He means you should live mean and lean. Don't buy things you can't afford. Think about your purchase decision as an investment. Will you acutally benefit from that? Spend your money at things that matters.
It's important to do self-reflection everyday. During the course of life, you will make many mistake. Take notes of them, and don't make that mistake twice.
It's all about starting small, nurture it into a habbit, then it's much easier to persist. Never setting up a hugo goal, better break it down to several small goal that you can finish everyday.
You need to accept imperfection in yourself and your work in achieving perfection. Don't push yourself to be perfect at the first place. That's never the case. You need to have something first, something imperfect, then polish it to be com perfect.