The world is but a canvas to our imagination.

Atom Snippets for Jekyll


When I create this technical blog, I’m having a lot of code in every post. often I have to write a lot of liquid code. And it’s getting really annoying. It’s much needed to create snippets to speed up writing. For mode detail information, see Atom Snippets.


The leftmost key is selector for different language. One language can have one selector. Different snippet just follows under some selector. Second key is for the name of snippet, prefix is the trigger of the snippet. And body is actual code of the snippet. In this example, I can type %ht and hit tab to generate the body of snippet. $1 is a place holder. It’s where we want to insert. And we can have multiple stops to insert.

    'prefix': '%ht'
    'body': """
    {% highlight html %}
    {% endhighlight %}

Here is a list of selectors for different language.

  • Markdown: .source.gfm
  • HTML: .text.html
  • CSS: .source.css
  • SASS: .source.sass
  • JavaScript: .source.js
  • JSON: .source.json
  • PHP: .text.html.php
  • Java: .source.java
  • Ruby: .text.html.erb
  • Python: .source.python
  • plain text: .text.plain


In markdown file, the snippets are working perfectly. However, in html file, because I have also install emmet, they conflict when I’m using tab. emmet will automatically generate html tag for that. One better solution is for atom emmet to have a filter, which don’t expand non-keyword word. Faster way is just disable keyboard shortcut tab for emmet. And use ctrl+e instead.