The world is but a canvas to our imagination.

Hugo Syntax Highlight

Syntax highlight

Since this is a blog will mainly focus on technical side, I will be posting a lot of code in this blog. Therefore, it’s important to configure syntax highlight correctly. There are two important variable to set in config.toml.

  • pygmentsuseclasses

  • PygmentsCodeFences

In default, pygmentsuseclasses is set to fales, which means your html code will be generated with embedded color, which will make it impossible to change from your stylesheet. Good thing is it’s really simple. You can look up the theme you want from pygments-css, and set pygmentsstyle to whatever the theme you like in config.toml

The second way which I preferred, is to set pygmentsuseclasses = true. This way the color for syntax highlight will not embedded with html code. And you can adjust it by adding css file. Or you can download the style from pygments-css.

When putting a code block, you need to use liquid template in jekyll or go template in Hugo. If you use github a lot, you will certainly miss github style code fences. In hugo, you can turn that on by using PygmentsCodeFences = true.

Reference: Syntax highlighting