The world is but a canvas to our imagination.

Jekyll Archive By Tag


This is one of the challenge I faced. When I building this blog with Jekyll, it’s how to create beautiful tag archive page. I also find out that it’s the exact same way you can make category page, which I will explain more details.


First, creating a /_layouts/tagpage.html layout file will save us a lot of effort. This basically create a template which shows posts in same tag. The reason why I choose to use is I will create a bunch of ‘dummy’ tag pages which we can link to. And in these ‘dummy’ tag pages, we can specific which tag we want, like ‘python’, ‘jekyll’ and so on.

tapage layout
layout: default

<h1>Articles in tag "{{ page.tag }}"</h1>

  {% for post in site.tags[page.tag] %}
  <li>{{ post.date | date: "%m/%d/%Y" }}:
    <a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a>
    <p><em>{{ post.meta }}</em></p>
  {% endfor %}

This will collect all articles from same tag. It will also generate url and title for us, as well as including meta data. Then we just need to create our pages in tag folder like /tag/python/. And it also serve as the link address we will visit. And let Jekyll know what exactly is the tag we want to filter. In this case, it’s python. And keep adding folders in our tag folder to expand future tags. As I mentioned you can use exact same method to make a category page. Simply change all tags in above code to categories keyword. I believe in Jekyll, tags and categories are interchangeable, meaning they just the same thing.

Front matter
layout: tagpage
title: Articles in tag "python"
tag: python
permalink: /tag/python/

We also flatten these pages by using permalink. We can visit our tag archive page by /tag/python/. Even we didn’t create /tag/python/ folder, which makes our tag folder a lot cleaner. To know more, please see Jekyll Permalink.

File structure
├── .../
└── tag/
    ├── python.html
    ├── ruby.html
    └── ...

Now we have created all pages we need. We can now organized everything back in single tag.html or category.html page. If you want to create a category page, then just change site.tags to site.categories. In the following example. tag[0] is the name of tag. And tag[1] is the list of posts in this tag. Therefore we can use tag[1] | size to count how many posts in a tag.

Liquid code
{% for tag in site.tags %}
  <div class="tag-title">
    <a href="/tag/{{ tag[0] }}">
      {{ tag[0] | capitalize }}: {{ tag[1] | size }}
{% endfor %}

We can flattening these folders and pages by using permalink, like in example below. Then we can still visit our tag archive page by /tag/python/. Even we didn’t create /tag/python/ folder, which makes our tag folder a lot cleaner. To know more, please see Jekyll Permalink.